Do you want to buy Bonnie Raitt tickets for the Kiva Auditorium concert? Then look no further as TonsOfTickets provides all the best Bonnie Raitt Kiva Auditorium tickets at great prices. This is where you can find a massive selection tickets for the concert at Kiva Auditorium in Albuquerque. Call us anytime and our excellent customer service will bring you all the information you need to get to your event.
Bonnie Raitt did not disappoint. The energy level was constant and everyone was entertained.
Wonderful show: performance
Best show I've ever seen! Bonnie Raitt was absolutely amazing! The event staff was very friendly and helpful. Parking was easy. Overall
Bonnie Raitt is worth any price
wow....just wow...Bonnie Raitt is one of those once in a lifetime events simple as that.