
Phantom Planet A and R Music Bar Columbus

Want to get your hands on some Phantom Planet tickets at A and R Music Bar? You've come to the right place at TonsOfTickets, where it's easy to get your hands on Phantom Planet A and R Music Bar tickets. We give you all the tickets for the upcoming A and R Music Bar show in Columbus with a huge selection at great prices. When choosing your seats, use the interactive venue map which will allow you to know your exact location in the venue.

A and R Music Bar Seating Chart

A and R Music Bar
  • summery
  • user review 3

Purchasing Phantom Planet A and R Music Bar Tickets

TonsOfTickets provides all the best Phantom Planet A and R Music Bar tickets at low prices. Our ticket inventory for Phantom Planet in A and R Music Bar is updated by the minute and can be purchased by clicking the “Buy” button for any of the dates above. You will then be sent to our secure checkout page. Unless otherwise noted, your Phantom Planet A and R Music Bar tickets will be sent via FedEx. In many cases, E-Tickets are available which allows you to download and print your Phantom Planet tickets from your email.
Posted (March 07, 2024)

I went to a Phantom Planet concert once and sat in the first row. It couldn’t have been any better.

Posted (May 24, 2016)

Last year I was so mad because I went to go buy Phantom Planet tickets and they were totally sold out :( So as soon as they came out this year I jumped all over em!

Posted (July 15, 2014)
Barbara McKenna

Everyone’s telling me how awesome it is to go to a Phantom Planet concert